TeDis Seminar

Pour le français, cliquez ici.

The TeDis seminar took place during one academic year, from October 2017 to June 2018. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to pursue this initiative in any way.

Corpus linguistics, textual analysis, text mining, discourse analysis, distant reading, automated content analysis, natural language processing… This terminological fuzziness reveals that we are numerous researchers in the social sciences and humanities working on digitized or born digital data in our own tradition or epistemology.

However, we all encounter the same difficulties and challenges. How do we adapt existing textual resources to our research questions? How do we find data? What kind of data/corpus/databases do we build? How do we subsequently make sense of them? What kind of analytical tools do we use or build?

To address these and other related questions, we invite you to join TeDis: Texts & Disciplines.

We are an interdisciplinary group of researchers of different levels and fields who will be organizing monthly presentations to discuss our various approaches, research interests and methodologies.

Whether you are a MA student, PhD student, postdoc, lecturer, etc.,you are kindly welcome to attend and/or present your work.

When? Each second Thursday of the month, 12h15-13h45

Where? UniMail

What? Each lunch consists in a 30 minutes talk followed by a discussion. Topics include any or all of these: corpus building, analysis, tools building.

Language (French or English) will be set according to the speaker and the audience.

Contact or follow us:

Citer ce billet
Élise Tancoigne (2017, 25 août). TeDis Seminar. TeDis - Textes et Disciplines. Consulté le 16 avril 2024, à l’adresse https://tedis.hypotheses.org/52